Divine Birth of Shri Krishna : A Poem

In the depths of night, a prison cell aglow,
Krishna arrives, setting spirits free to grow.
Chains fall away, guards slumber deep,
As divine consciousness begins to creep.

Within our hearts, a similar tale unfolds,
As awareness blooms, breaking mortal molds.
Darkness recedes, negativity fades,
Ego’s grip loosens, its power cascades.

Prison doors of mind swing wide open,
Walls of division now lay broken.
In this moment of celestial birth,
We glimpse the truth of our inner worth.

Janmashtami’s essence, a message clear:
Liberation from bonds we hold so dear.
May Krishna’s light in each soul ignite,
Guiding us from shadows into bright light.

Peace and joy, abundance flowing,
Health and prosperity ever-growing.
In this celebration of divine play,
May blessings shower on us today.