Our culture, traditions, and festivals have a deeper meaning. All of them are associated with a specific divine energy. This divine energy is given a name and form for us to understand the virtues, qualities, and its blessings clearly. One among these energies, and the presiding energy, is Shiva.…
Browsing Category
Dharma and Karma: Understanding the Twin Pillars of Hindu Spiritual Philosophy
The timeless wisdom of Hindu Dharma rests upon two fundamental principles - Dharma and Karma. These sacred…
The Symbols of Shiva: Discover Their Deeper Meanings
Lord Shiva is one of the trinity gods of Hinduism, alongside Brahma and Vishnu. He is known by many names…
10 Sanskrit Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective on Life
In a world bustling with modernity and rapid change, the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Sanskrit quotes provides…
The Light in the Dark
There once was a girl who found herself in a room so dark she couldn't see her own hands. She was scared and alone.…
The Curse of the Falgu River by Goddess Sita
The Falgu River, flowing through the sacred town of Gaya in Bihar, is not merely a geographical feature but an…
Story of Babruvahana
Babruvahana was the son of Arjuna (one of the Pandavas) and Chitrangada, the princess of Manipur.
Diwali : The festival of lights
Diwali or Deepavali, the festival of lights, is amongst the most famous of all the Indian festivals. It falls on…
Navratri : Nine Days Festival dedicated to Mother Goddess Durga
Navratri is a nine-day festival during which 9 forms of Goddess Durga are worshipped. It is without doubt one of…
Janmashtami : The Birth of Shri Krishna
Janmashtami or Gokulashtami is the festival celebrating the day of Shree Krishna’s Divine birth in Mathura. This…