The cow has been deeply revered in India since ancient times. Hindu religious texts consider the cow as the mother of the universe popularly known as Gau Mata. The cow finds mention in all major Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc. The Vedas state that while all…
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Sanatan Dharma
Harnessing Inner Power: 5 Life Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita for Personal Growth
An Introduction to the Eternal Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
The Bhagavad Gita, often referred to as the "Song of…
Why Do Hindus Believe in Giving Charity/Daan?
Hindus have a strong tradition of giving charity, known as daan in Sanskrit. Charity and compassion have been the…
The Concept of Brahman in Sanatan Dharma
The concept of Brahman is one of the most fundamental and profound concepts within Sanatana Dharma, the eternal…
Why do temples have bells ?
Ancient Indian wise men discovered long ago that rhythmic sound works as an effective cleanser of negativity and…
Supplication to Goddess for forgiveness
Neither I know recitation, nor do I possess any instruments of worship; I am unaware of any practices of singing…
Hanuman Chalisa
Hanuman Chalisa is one of the most popular Hindu devotional hymns dedicated to Lord Hanuman. The word Hanuman…
The Jagannath Temple Puri
The Jagannath Temple at Puri is one of the most revered Vaishnava sites of worship in India. One of the oldest…
Saraswati : The Goddess of Learning
The literal meaning of the name Saraswati is the one who gives the essential knowledge (Sara) of our own Self…